Community Participation & Citizenship

Community Participation & CitizenshipIncreasingly agencies are looking to consult with young people and encourage their active involvement in shaping the services that affect them. This section offers a range of resources to explore active citizenship, motivating young people to get involved in their communities, support volunteering, develop peer mentoring and bring about positive change.
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Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 01 - Green Bingo
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 02 - Environmental Quiz
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 03 - Exploring environmental issues
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 04 - Reaching Consensus Activity
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 05 - Community Participation Activity
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 06 - Issues Pyramid
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 07 - Living Here
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 08 - Presenting & recording
Vanessa Rogers Downloadable ResourceActivity 09 - Democracy and Voting Exercise
Activity 10 - Making a positive contribution
Activity 11 - Exploring Communities
Activity 12 - What is advocacy?
Activity 13 - Representing others
Activity 14 - Make your voice heard!
Activity 15 - Speaking out!
Activity 16 - Mapping Food in the Community
Activity 17 - The Volunteer Ship
Activity 18 - Volunteer Action Diamond 9
Activity 19 - Why do people volunteer?
Activity 20 - Volunteer Boundaries Role-play
Integrity & HonourActivity 21 - Integrity & Honour
World PledgesActivity 22 - World Pledges
Charity ScatterActivity 23 - Charity Scatter
Charity begins at homeActivity 24 - Charity begins at home
The Deserving and the UndeservingActivity 25 - The Deserving and the Undeserving
Leadership Skills and QualitiesActivity 26 - Leadership Skills and Qualities
Give me the meaning!Activity 27 - Give me the meaning!
Who Cares?Activity 28 - Who Cares?
Who Should Vote?Activity 29 - Who Should Vote?
Reasons to Vote!Activity 30 - Reasons to Vote!
Youth Work Resource | People and Places Warm UpActivity 31 - People and Places Warm Up
Youth Work Resource | Why do people vote?Activity 32 - Why do people vote?
Youth Work Resource | Living in a DemocracyActivity 33 - Living in a Democracy
Youth Work Resource | Vote for us!Activity 34 - Vote for us!
Youth Work Resource | Name that Group!Activity 35 - Name that Group!