Arts & Crafts

Creative projects are an excellent way to encourage young people to explore their feelings and express themselves. Within this section there are so many art forms to choose from – music, dance, painting, photography and crafts. With so many different activities to choose from there is always an art form that will appeal to young people.

Activity 17 - Making Recycled Paper

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This is fun to do and is a good way of introducing the concept of re-cycling by making paper out of old newspaper and junk mail. You can either use old screen-printing frames or make the frames up yourself out of wood and fine mesh.

Activity 16 - Chinese Brush Drawing

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This activity is a simplified version of Chinese brush painting. If you want to try this technique out using more traditional methods invest in some oriental brushes. These are bamboo or cane handled brushes with long, soft bristles just right for sweeping strokes. The handles can be used to draw into the paint and add texture. You could also provide rice paper for the young people to experiment with

Activity 15 - Dotty Drawings

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

In this session young people create animal pictures made entirely of ‘dots’, based on the ‘pointillism’ style made famous by Impressionist painters, such as Seurat. Examples of Seurat’s work are widely available either online, or as postcards, so consider collecting a few to show and inspire young people.

Activity 14 - Charcoal Self Portraits

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This is a good activity for small groups or with individuals to raise self-esteem and promote discussion around self-image.

Activity 13 - Red Ribbon Mugs

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This activity raises awareness of World Aids Day on December 1st each year by creating Red Ribbon Mugs.

Activity 12 - Salt Snow Pictures

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

These pictures are fun to do and produce an effect that looks a bit like snowflakes. You can use the technique to produce abstract pictures or to make a really effective background for winter landscapes and snow scenes.

Activity 11 - Wet-in-wet

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

Wet-in-Wet is a classic watercolour technique. It produces beautiful random effects and is a good start for anyone interested in experimenting with paints. The main aim of this technique is to complete a whole picture without the paper or paint drying!

Activity 10 - Salt Dough Hearts

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This versatile modelling dough can be baked hard and painted. The example given here is to make Salt Dough Hearts, hung on ribbon, but you can use it to make tree decorations and key rings etc.

Activity 09 - Juggling Balls

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This activity shows young people how to make simple juggling balls. They can then be used for team

Activity 08 - Group Flags

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

To develop a painted cotton flag that represents the cultural history of everyone in the group.

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