Drama and Role Play

Drama and role-play activities enable young people to literally “step outside” of their own life experiences and work through issues, express feelings and explore differences within a chosen role. The ideas selected here create opportunities to try out different responses to a wide range of situations and model different behaviours, without necessarily leading to a performance. Importantly, through role-play young people can learn not just about themselves but also develop empathy for others.

Activity 37 - Performance review diary

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource | Performance review diary

Keeping a performance diary enables youn poeple to reflect on their learning and the new skills they have acquired over the course of the project or series of workshops.

Activity 36 - Thought Tunnel

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource | Thought Tunnel

This is a way of enabling young people to experience and demonstrate how negative and positive feedback feels using a drama technique called a ‘thought tunnel’. This can be used at the end of each session or performance.

Activity 35 - Giving and receiving performance feedback

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource | Giving and receiving performance feedback

This exercise can be used after any performance to enable young people to develop the skills to give and receive constructive feedback.

Activity 34 - Give me a line

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource | Give me a line

This warm up enables young people to practise improvising from a given first line.

Activity 33 - Three magic words

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource | Three magic words

This warm up activity develops communication and improvisation skills as young people work together to create a short scene.

Activity 32 - Happy ever after

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource | Happy ever after

This session asks young people to take up a romantic story from the point of ‘happy ever after’ and imagine what happens next.

Activity 31 - Living fairy tales

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource | Living fairy tales

The young people will examine the relationship between fairy tales and modern day relationships and use creative improvisation techniques to develop characters, environments and action.

Activity 30 - The Party

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This game develops communication skills and confidence as young people improvise a party scene and assume given characters.

Activity 29 - Catch a Story

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This is an improvisation game that encourages quick thinking and develops story telling and communication skills. Through the course of the game everyone in the group will participate.

Activity 28 - Changing Chairs

Vanessa Rogers Downloadable Resource

This is an improvisation game that encourages quick thinking and develops mime and communication skills. Through the course of the game young people will get to work with every member of the group.

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